To what volume should you dilute 131 mL of an 8.20 M CuCl2 solution so that 49.0 mL of the diluted solution contains 4.53g CuCl2 ?
Chemistry...Help!! - Dr Russ, Wednesday, December 8, 2010 at 4:43am
Molar mass of CuCl2 is 134.5 g mol^-1
so solution needs to contain
4.53 g / 134.5 g mol^-1
=0.03368 mole
concentration is
0.049 L/0.03368 mole
=1.455 molar
thus we need to dilute the 8.20 M solution by a factor
8.20 M/1.455 M= 5.636
so the new total volume is
131 ml x 5.636
=738.4 ml
check on the concentration
old solution contains
131 x 8.20 mmoles = 1074 mmoles
new solution contains
1.455 x 738.4 mmole = 1074 mmole
Chemistry...Help!! - Lisa, Help needed!, Wednesday, December 8, 2010 at 1:59pm
Thank you for all the detail, but i'm still 738.4mL is the answer?
2 answers
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the second part is moles/volume not volume/moles