To:Damon..His little bit of written info really helps me to complete my essays....New question...Was there an opportunity for the confederates to win during any day of Gettysburg? Identify & analyze the opportunity, and show how the South could have won...Have been working on this one now...If Damon is available?

7 answers
If you ever get the chance to read Bevin Alexander's book "How the South Could have Won The Civil War" he explains where and why they failed.

LOL well I have been running dory races between Gloucester MA and Lunenburg, Nova Scotia all day and have given the Civil War no thought at all.
Longstreet should have put more effort into taking Little Round Top. If he could have dislodged Chamberlain and the 20th Maine from there and gotten some guns up there, he could have swept the whole Union line with shot.
Imagine letting a bunch of lobstermen from Downeast Maine with a few bayonets stop your whole army !
Those lobstermen must have been tough! They would have scared me! <g>
Finest kind of fishermen :)