Three volatile compounds X,Y, and Z each contain elements Q. The precent by weight of element Q in each compound was determined. Some of the data obtained are given below
Percent by weight Molecular
Compound of Element Q Weight
X 64.8% ?
Y 73.0% 104.
Z 59.3% 64.0
(a) the vapor density of compound X at 27 degress C and Hg was determined to be 3.53 grams per litre. Calculate the molecular weight of compound X.
(b) Determine the mass of the element Q contained in 1.00 mole of each of the three compounds.
(c) Calculate the most probable value of the atomic weight of element Q
(d) Compound Z contains carbon, hydrogen, and element Q. When 1.00 gram of compound Z is oxidized and all of the carbon and hydrogen are converted to oxidized, 1.37 grams of CO2 and 0.281 gram of water are produced. determine the most prbable molecular formula of compound Z
Hey, this is what I found on another website, actually. Part A seems to be fine, but I can't fathom how they got 64.2 as 73 percent of 104 in Part B. Part C is pretty confusing to me as well; hope you can make something of it:
a) For x; MM = dRT/P = 88
b) m = for x = 88. x 0.648 = 57 g
m = for y = 104 x 0.730 = 64.2g
m = for z = 64 x 0.593 = 37.95
c) % = M x 100/aw
M = (aw x%)/100
x = 37.95
y = 75.9
z = 37.95
Atomic weight is probably 37.95 ~= 38
8 answers
c.) The mass of the element is 19
d.) C2H2F2