This radical revolutionary was fatally stabbed by another revolutionary.
A. Legislatvie Assembly
B. Emigres
C. San-culottes
D. Left-wing
E. Right-wing
F. National Assembly
G. Olympe de Gouges
H. Maximilien Robespierre
I. Guillotine
K. National Convention
L. Georges Danton
Thanks for your help
A "radical revolutionary" has to be a person, so you can eliminate all those groups and things in there. Who's left?
Now go back into your text and see what you can find. Or --
The sections on factions and intrigues might have the info you're looking for.
The only (possible) people are B, C, G, H, and L. Anyway, I'm scanning the Wikipedia articles for these people. Georges Danton was guillotined. Robespierre was too. Olympe was guillotined because she wrote a book. (Terrible.) Emigres and San-cullotes are terms to describe a broad group of people, so that's not it. I dunno... that eliminates all the options. Sorry.
Try researching Marat.