This question tells us to answer if the children bahaved good or bad from the paragraph below.
Todos los niños le regalaron a Ana muchas cosas fantásticas. Había muñecas, juguetes,
animales de peluche … y más cosas. Susana le regaló un oso de peluche enorme. Ana estaba
contenta y besaba y abrazaba su oso nuevo. Pero cuando Susana la vió empezó a llorar porque ella
quería jugar con el oso.
As i read it i want to say good because they didn't give and trouble but say poorly because the were jealous of Ana
5 answers
I'll send this to our Spanish expert, SraJMcGin.
It sounds like Ana received many lovely gifts, but Susana, after giving her the bear, wanted to play with it. Perhaps she didn't really want to give the bear away!
I'd say the children behaved well, except for Susana!
I'll flag this and come back later to see if y ou have any other questions.
I'd say the children behaved well, except for Susana!
I'll flag this and come back later to see if y ou have any other questions.
Thank you so much :)
You are entirely welcome! Since the question asked about "children" plural, it may eliminate the ONE child, Susana!