In the last few lines of Ode 4, the Chorus places responsibility for Antigone's death on
a. Niobe
b. Creon
c. the family curse
d. Antigone
I read Ode 4 and could not figure out which one of these was the answer. On some websites, people are saying it is C. Could someone please explain how it is C?
This question is for the play Antigone:
In Ode 2, to what does the chorus compare Antigone?
a. a cresting wave
b. a soaring bird
c. a glowing ember
d. a closed flower
From reading it, I think the answer is D. But on some websites people are saying C. Which is correct??
2 answers
I can't give you the answers. When the chorus describes the events that led to Antigone's death, all her family, and ascribes it all to Fate, which of these answers best fits the chorus' words in Ode 4?
As for Ode 2, what does Antigone say of herself? "The last ______ of Oedipus' line..."
As for Ode 2, what does Antigone say of herself? "The last ______ of Oedipus' line..."