"This question asks about your independent reading selection. You may use your reading selection to help you answer the question. Compare and contrast your Independent reading selection with one or two other selections you have read in this unit. Support your response with at least two pieces of evidence from your independent reading selection."

I'm not quiet sure what the independent reading selection is to begin with and if im supposed to be comparing the independent reading selection with the two stories or if im supposed to be comparing the two stories by them selves..

4 answers

1. Use your independent reading selection.

2. Compare (similarities) and contrast (differences)
-- 2a. your independent reading selection with
-- 2b. one or two other selections you have read in this unit.

3. Support your response with at least two pieces of evidence from your independent reading selection.

Once you've written your assignment, you may post it here if you want a tutor to critique it for you.
Yes but im not sure what an independent reading selection is...
Apparently, you were assigned to choose a book to read independently -- that is, not specifically assigned to be read by your whole class. What did you choose?
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