I am uncertain what is making the cart move? Is is gravity? If it is gravity, and going down a ramp, you can write the equation governing motion
forcegravitydownramp- forcefriction=ma
so resolve the mg into two comonents, down the ramp, and normal to the ramp, and the solution follows.
I cant give more details without exact situation.
This problem concerns a student that is attempting Newton's 2nd Law, but the cart does not run without friction.
How do I calculate the drag force, givin the mass of the cart (7.6kg), the mass of the load (4.2kg), and the resulting acceleration (1.2m/s2)?
I'd appreciate the help.
4 answers
There is no ramp involved... its just a cart on a flat table, and then a puly, and a load. Would gravity be pulling the load down, which would make the cart move? I still don't get how I would calculate the 'drag' (friction and air resistance) force.
Here's my attempt at drawing it.
I'm sorry, I'm just a little confused and for some reason, physics doesn't click in my head.
Here's my attempt at drawing it.
I'm sorry, I'm just a little confused and for some reason, physics doesn't click in my head.
The "load " is the moving force.
totalmass*acceleration= loadforce-friction
frictionforce= loadfriction - totalmass*acceleration
totalmass*acceleration= loadforce-friction
frictionforce= loadfriction - totalmass*acceleration
What is the me of a 6 kg mass at 4 m/a