This is what the exact paper says
Algebra 1 PAP
Creature teacher
Obj: TLW creat a creature to represent a varable to be used to simplify an expression.
Each student must will be assigned a variable ( mine being C): the student is to create a creature to represent that variable. The student must make 10 creatures for varable. Then the student must make 10 additional creatures to represent that variable squared. The last thing the students must do is to write 5 different problems that someone could use the creatures to complete.
Things to keep in mind:
1. all 10 creatures that represent the variable must be exactly the same.
2. all 10 creatures that represent the variable squared should all be the same but they cant't be exactly like the original ( creature) varible. But these two creatures shouldbe similar.
3. If you are assigned the varable x, use as x in the probles.
4. The probles should be designed so that the creatures (both) can be used to simplify them.
I am a mother trying to help my child but it has been a long time since I have taken Algebra 1 and I just cant make since of this.
Thank You
3 answers
I really can't tell at what grade level this is supposed to be, but I agree with Bobpursley's earlier comment when you first posted this question.
I also cannot make any sense of this problem.
I have taught math for 35 years, and will readily admit that I have never seen such a silly question before.
If this is type of problems the student's curriculum offers, somebody should take a serious look at it.
Sorry, but I can't shed any light on this.
One of our other math teachers wrote this to me in an email:
"I cannot make much sense out of the problem, even after reading it a few times.
It sounds to me students are supposed to make the "identical" creatures with scissors and paper and use the creatures to make equations, similar to elementary school workbook problems.
Finally they would reduce the equation to 2X2 + 5X + 7 = 0 or something like that."
He may be or may not be right, this is the best explaination so far. Good luck.