This is what I have written so far. Do you suggest any improvements?

Location: Chicago's absolute location is about 42 degrees North latitude and 87 degrees West longitude. It is located upon the southwestern shore of Lake Michigan in the northeastern part of Illinois.

Place: Over the course of time, Chicago has become a highly industrialized city, in which have drawn millions of tourists from many different parts of the world. In fact, shopping along the Magnificent Mile and State Street, a numerous variety of restaurants, as well as Chicago’s notorious architecture, such as the cloud gate known as “The Bean,” continues to attract tourists to this day. Therefore, various cultures are found in diverse aspects of this city, such as in cuisine, literature, religion, entertainment, and in the performing arts. However, the undesirable climate—the humid continental climate—has been known to be the downfall of this lure of tourists to the “Windy City,” despite the fact that many of them eventually settled there. Even so, to most, it is still a city of lights and wonder, filled with displays of architecture, public parks, historical monuments, and public art.

Human-environment interaction: There are many examples of human-environment interaction in the city of Chicago, such as its architecture, dams, bridges, and its many highways.
For instance, Chicago was built on a swamp that was forcefully drained. However, despite this, what it is believed to the most astonishing display of human-environment interaction is the infamous Chicago River—the river that flows backwards. In fact, in 1887, the concept was declared to be a bold attempt of engineering. Even so, in order to the carry wastes away, a plan was devised to cut through a ridge in which separated the Great Lakes and the Mississippi River drainage systems with a canal. Thankfully, however, after many years of difficult labor, the project was completed in 1900.

Movement: As this great, magnificent city possesses a large population, the geographic theme of movement comes into play. For example, Chicago is a major transportation center in the United States, as well as a significant component in global distribution. However, despite this, it has not forgotten about its citizens and their needs of transportation. In fact, expressways, transit systems, airports, and several major port facilities have been either built or run through this city, providing residents with diverse options of travel.

11 answers

It looks good. No suggestions at this point.

How should I begin the paragraph of region?
What do you want to say about the region?
I don't know. However, I am uncertain about the paragraph of place. I believe it is supposed to discuss the physical and human features of Chicago, although it only speaks of the latter. Are you certain I could not improve it?
The place paragraph is fine.

As far as region, there is no specific definition or boundaries for Chicago's region. You could choose "Great Lakes Region," or "Upper Midwest." These maps show different boundaries.
Oh. Alright. However, I am still uncertain of what I should write or say about the region.
Which region did you choose? If you let me know, I'll find information about it for you.
I have chosen the "Great Lakes Region."
I suggest you start this paragraph by defining the Great Lakes Region. Tell what are the states in this region?
Is this an adequate beginning?

"Chicago, as it shares similar characteristics with surrounding cities, such as in architecture, large populations, and culture influences, is a part of the Great Lakes Region, in which includes Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin as well as the Canadian province of Ontario."