This is the last question on this assignment and for some reason I can't figure it out... help please?
Ecris une phrase complète avec le faire causatif.
Mon ordinateur ne marche plus. Je vais demander à quelqu'un de me le réparer.
4 answers
I'll send this to our French expert, SraJMcGin.
The construction "le faire causative" describes an action that is being caused by the subject (NOT performed) = having somethin gdone, getting something done, making someone do something. There must be a subject (person or thing), the conjugated verb "faire," and the infinitive of another verb, as well as at leat one of 2 things: a "receiver" (person or thing being acted upon) and/or an "agent" (a person or thing being made to act.)
Examples of a receiver only: I'm having/getting the car washed = Je fais laver la voiture. (I never state who will do it)
He's having the car repaired. = Il fait réparar la voiture.
Are you going to have the garden weeded? Vas-tu faire désherber le jardin?
Examples of an agent only: (the subject gets the agent to do something)
I'm making David write = Je fais écrire David.
He makes (gets his sister) his sister. = Il fait manger sa soeur.
Be sure to ask any other questions you might have.
Sra (aka Mme)
Examples of a receiver only: I'm having/getting the car washed = Je fais laver la voiture. (I never state who will do it)
He's having the car repaired. = Il fait réparar la voiture.
Are you going to have the garden weeded? Vas-tu faire désherber le jardin?
Examples of an agent only: (the subject gets the agent to do something)
I'm making David write = Je fais écrire David.
He makes (gets his sister) his sister. = Il fait manger sa soeur.
Be sure to ask any other questions you might have.
Sra (aka Mme)
So would the answer be:
"Je fais réparer l'ordinateur." ?
"Je fais réparer l'ordinateur." ?
Look again at (ask someone to repair it for you. You gave me an example of the receiver only. Look at the 2nd set of examples, with an agent. THAT is what you need.
Je fais réparer mon ordinateur Jacques. = I'm going to have Jack (agent) repair my computer (receiver.)
Sra (aka Mme)
Je fais réparer mon ordinateur Jacques. = I'm going to have Jack (agent) repair my computer (receiver.)
Sra (aka Mme)