This is the assignment: copia las frases remplazando los sustantivos subrayados con pronombres de objectodirecto e indirecto seguin elcontexiode la frase. Usa los dobles cuando sea posible.

1. Mario compro un libro anteayer por la tarde.

2. Mark invito a sus estudiantes a cenar.

3. David explico el preterito a sus estudiantes

4. nosotros bebimos el cafe

5. Nadia vio el fantasma

me nos
te os
le (se) les se

3 answers

First of all, nothing is underlined, so I'm guessing!

1. Mario compró un libro anteayer por la tarde. = Mario lo compró anteayer por la tarde.

2. Mark invitó a sus estudiantes a cenar. = Mark los invitó a cenar.

3. David explicó el p retérito a sus estudiantes. = David se lo explicó a sus estudiantes.

4. Nosotros bebimos el café. = Nosotros lo bebimos.

5. Nadie vio el fantasma. = Nadie (check spelling) lo vio.

Now, you didn't even try them so we'll never know where you had trouble. What are the "me nos / te os / le (se) les se" doing there? They certainly do not fit in the sentences you gave.

There is no reason to be confused, if you realize what you are working with. Here are direct-object pronouns in Spanish:
me = me
te = you (familiar)
lo = him, it (masculine singular noun)
la = her, it (feminine singular noun)
lo/la replaces Ud. masc or fem

nos = us
os = you (familiar plural)
los = them (masculine things or masculine and feminine things) (Uds.)
las = them (feminine things only)(Uds.)

They usually go DIRECTLY in front of the conjugated verb.
Me ve = he sees me / Lo veo = I see him

Here are the indirect-object pronouns:
me = (to, for, at, from) = understood or stated (to me, for me, etc.)
te = (to, for, at, from) you (singular familiar)
le = (to, for, at, from) him, her, it, you (replaces Ud.)

nos = (to, for, at, from) us
os = (to, for, at, from) you= fam. pl
les = (to, for, at, from) them, you-all

They go INDIRECTLY in front of the conjugated verb.
Me da el libro = He gives me the book/He gives the book TO me
Le doy el libro = I give you/him/her the book / I give the book TO you, him, her

When you have 2 object-pronouns (one direct, one indirect) they both go in front of the conjugated verb USUALLY.
Me lo da = He gives it to me.
*Le lo doy = I give it to him/her/you.
***When either "le" or "les" is used in front of "lo, la, los, las" they change to se.
*Se lo doy = I give it to him/her/you. Because "se" could be misunderstood, ordinarily after the verb it will be explained with a preposition phrase. Your example was adding "a los estudiantes." in the sentences.

1. OBJECT-PRONOUNS must follow an affirmative command.
Dámelo (familiar command = Give it to me)
Démosselos (Let's give them to him/her.)

When I add ONE thing to a command, usually no accent, but when I add 2 = accent where you want to hear it.

2. You have a choice here: either in front or behind and -ndo (gerund)
a) Se lo estamos dando = We are giving it to him/her/you-singular-formal.
b) Estamos dándoselo = We are giving it to him/her/you-singular-formal

NOTE: You pick either position (a) or (b) BUT you may not put one in front and one behind. They both go together (selo)

3. You also have a choice with an infinitive --- either in front or behind.
a) Se lo vamos a dar. = We are going to give it to him/her/you-sing.form.
b) Vamos a dárselo. = We are going to give it to him/her/you-sing. form.

AGAIN, add one object pronoun to an infinitive = usually no accent BUT add 2 object pronouns = accent where you want to her it. (as in (b)

NOW, take each step one at a time until you fully understand it, then move on to the next step. Feel free to ask ANY questions about this so you will no longer be confused!

You will also notice that you don't "really" have to understand what you are doing with "me, te, nos, os" because they are BOTH direct and indirect-object pronouns. You DO have to know what you are doing with 3rd person singular or plural (le (se), les (se) versus lo, la, los, las.

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