This is my last question

Describe some of the achievements of the Middle Kingdom of ancient Egypt.

5 answers

1. Expulsion of the Hyksos, and invading group of foreigners,
2. Military campaigns to Kush, NUbia and Libya,
3. Elevation of Hatshepsut (a feamle) to the position of King of Egypt,
4. Expansion of the Karnak Temple,
5. More sophisticated priesthood at Karnak (Amen-Ra),
6. The 67 year reign of Ramses II (Ramses The Great),
I would not rely on other students answers. It's cheating, for one thing. If your text materials do not describe the Middle Kingdom, this does:
I wouldn't rely on what Reed is saying either.. that's cheating too...
Doing research isn't cheating. Doing research is what the teachers want... it allows the kids to learn more on the subject
Is that so Anon? So teacher want students to do research for a test? So it's ok for a student to ramble off some info that is at a college level, even though they barely understand 4 of the words that they find...