this is my intro to my comparison essay, but i feel like there should be something extra before "an analysis..." but i don't know what i should write. this is what i have so far:

Miley Cyrus song “The Climb” is not only one of my favourite songs, but so is Katy Perry’s song “Fireworks”. 'The hymn "Let Your Light Shine" inspires us to be our best (and Jesus' words), to do good deeds and to help make the world a better place. Two modern songs also express this, with different words. An analysis of the literary devices in Katy perry’s “Fireworks” and Miley Cyrus “The Climb” reveals Miley Cyrus creates a better argument for how every person is an exclusive individual who has dreams to follow and chase it; while along the way, just be yourself. Katy Perry’s use of metaphor and imagery will be compared to Miley Cyrus use of metaphor and imagery in order to illustrate Cyrus’s superiority in goal delivery.

1 answer

Nothing to add at this point.
