This is Grandma Ling
If you dig that hole deep enough
you'll reach China, they used to tell me,
a child in a backyard in Pennysylvania.
Not strong enough to dig that hole,
I waited twenty years,
then sailed back, half way around the world.
In Taiwan I first met Grandma.
Before she came to view, I heard
her slippered feet softly meause
the tatmi floor with even step;
the aqua paper-ccovered door slid open
and there I faced
my five foot height, sturdy legs and feet,
square forehead, high cheeks, and wide-set eyes;
my image stood before me,
acted on by fifty years.
She smiled, stretched her arms
to take to heart the eldest daughter
of her youngest son a quarter century away,
She spoke a tongue I knew no word of,
and I was sad I could not understand,
but I could hug her.
In "Grandma Ling," how does the speaker meet her grandmother?
A. She leave China and joins her grandmother in Pennsylvania.
B. She travels to Taiwan and meets her grandmother there.
C. She meets her every time she looks in a mirror, since the resemblence is so strong.
D, She "digs a hole to China" and meets her grandmother in the world of imagination.
Is the answer B?
Thank you
4 answers