Ingrid: 2h, 21min, 06s =
Blake-: 2h, 06min, 50s =
2h, 20min, 66s
2h, 06min, 50s
Diff. = 14min, 16s. = = 14.267min = Blake's winning margin.
Tb = 120 + 6 + 50/60 = 126.833min =
Blake's time.
Vb = d/Tb = 42,195m/126.833min = 332.681
m/min = Blake's speed.
d = 332.681m/min * 14.267min = 4746.4 m
=4.746 km. = Blake's margin.
this is a physics qustion im stuck on:
ingrid holds the womans record time for a marathon race of 2h 21min 6s for 42.195km. The mens record is held by Blake grison of 2h 6 min 50s. If they had been in the same race how much would blake win by.. find this in time as well as distance
1 answer