It says the cube is hollow so it doesn't work >.<. I believe the cube is made entirely of small cubes the same size as the ones along the edge. So the faces are also covered by these cubes. The inside is hollow so there is only one layer of these cubes. I think it's asking if we can make two piles of cubes with the same amount of cubes without cutting one up.
Well, I think the wording of this question is just well.. dumb.. so I might be wrong >.<.
This cube has five cubes along each edge. The faces are covered, but the cube is hollow inside. Can it be divided into two pieces of equal volume? Explain.
I am not sure what this question is asking?
Does this look right?
l x w x h= 5x5x5=125
Both sides have 62.5, so the volume is equal on both sides?
1 answer