Think about the work you completed in your reading role. Determine the ideas that would be most worthy to share in a literary discussion about Walk Two Moons. Provide an explanation for your choices. How did the role you selected and the work you completed help you to understand more about the text? Support your response with at least two pieces of evidence from the novel.
11 answers
First, you have to have read the novel. Then, what ideas that are in the novel would you like to discuss with others? Explain your choices. The rest seems self-explanatory.
i can't reab it
Why not?
Im byslexic and autostic
Thats why i use homework sites
I bont mant the answer i just neeb help
You should be in a regular school in a special ed class for dyslexic and/or autistic students.
Apparently this online class is too hard for a person with your disabilities.
Apparently this online class is too hard for a person with your disabilities.
i never wanteb to de homeschooleb dut i really need help with this one guestion
If you can't read the assignment, I can't help you. Ask your parent to read it to you. They are the ones responsible for your education.
Ok thank you :)
What the answer?