1) Bitzer embodies the word of facts, in which Mr. Gradgrind believes. <~~I don't know what this means. Please clarify.
Society was regarded as an evil force, which prevented men from behaving naturally. <~~OK
2) Nature ceased to be seen as simply a philosophical entity.
3) A deep patriotism was shared by the inhabitants of the British Empire.
The Victorian Age was named after Queen Victoria.
4) Dickens uses two similes, both referring to the world of animals.
5) Chimneys, from which smoke coiled up like snakes. <~~This is not a complete sentence.
These are the very last sentences. I really hope you can check them. It is really urgent. Thank you in advance.
1) Bitzer embodies the word of facts, in which Mr. Gradgrind believes.
Society was regarded as an evil force, which prevented men from behaving naturally.
2) As for nature (and not: concerning nature?), this ceased to be seen as a philosophical entity.
3)A deep patriotism was shared by the inhabitants of the British Empire.
The Victorian Age is so called because of the name of Queen Victoria (was named after Queen Victoria).
4) Dickens uses two similes, both referring to (better: derived from) the world of animals (Better: the animal world?)
5) Chimneys, from where (better which?) smoke coiled up like snakes.
1 answer