These are points for my Artist Presentation in French. Is everything grammatically correct in French? This is info of SLIDE 1 (Biographe)

•Eugene est née en le 26 (vingt-six) avril, 1798 (mille sept cent quatre-vingt-dix-huit) en Charenton-Saint-Maurice

•Passé situé à 13 (treize) Août, 1863 (mille huit cent soixante trois) à Paris, France

•Avance éducation

•Lycée Louis-le-Grand

•Sa mère, Victoire Oeben, était une femme cultivée qui a encouragé l'amour de jeune Delacroix de la littérature et de l'art.

•1815 (mille huit cent quinze) - était célèbre pour ses effets optiques et traçages intenses dans ses chefs-d'œuvre.

•Célèbre pour la créativité

•optical effects and intense brushstrokes in his masterpieces.

7 answers

Is the last one supposed to be in English?
I'll send this to Mme, aka SraJMcGin.
Olivia, I meant : effets optiques et traçages intenses dans ses chefs-d'œuvre.

Merci Ms.Sue!
First of all, which artist are you describing? Is it Eugène Delacroix? Does this name have an accent, for example? It does in French. If it IS the artist I mentioned, he is massculin and all adjectives referring to him must be masculine.

For him, it would be: est né le 26. There is no "en" because the definite article with a date "le" means ON.

At first you did not capitalize the month "avril" and that is correct. Later you did captitalize Août. The days of the week and the months of the year are NOT capitalized in French.

Change "Avance éducation" to L'éducation avancée IF you mean "advanced education"

Sometimes I can only guess what you are trying to say, if there is no English to tell me for sure!

For example, I'm not sure what "
•Passé situé à 13 (treize) Août," is supposed to say. Is that first word a verb or noun???

Le Lycée = definite article required here with the noun.

Aha! It IS the artist I thought you were describing....

En 1815, il était.....

Feel free to ask any question, although I won't be back here this evening.

Sra (aka Mme)
I mean his death for Passé situé à 13 (treize) Août... so verb..passed away

Also, Could you check the recent post because I need help with the other two slides. Could you maybe help me fix it before 11 a.m tomorrow east coast time.
since you won't be back this evening! and YES haha You guessed right!
Il est (or était mort) le 13 août

Sra (aka Mme)