There is a lot of diversity within categories of race that refers to where people comes from. People in the communities and police officers treat people differently by the skin of their color or the way they are dressed. Blacks and Hispanics get harsher punishments and treated poorly then whites.
is the most important crime when talking about racialization of crime. “Ascribing race to criminality or criminal propensity (your likelihood of being criminal)” (lecture, 2020, January 30). Black men are falsely accused of raping white women. In the Scottsboro video, nine young men were accused of raping two white women on the train. They also experienced a lot of violence in prison. The Scottsboro video stated, “The young men were brutally tortured, participated in chain gang, and would hear other people being executed” (Goodman & Anker, 2001). Haywood Patterson, one of the men accused of raping two white women on the train became the symbol of the threatening black men. Patterson was sentenced to death for the third time. During the trial, it was an all white jury. Scottsboro video also stated, “In Norris v. Alabama (1935), the US Supreme Court rule would determine whether Alabama had purposely excluded blacks from their juries” (Goodman & Anker, 2001). The white southerners were important because they wanted to protect white superiority and to have control. “White southerners did not like Samuel Leibowitz, who is one of the best criminal lawyer that was hired to handle the young men’s first retrial because he a northerner. The north was coming down to tell white southerners how we need to treat African Americans” (lecture, 2020, February 20). According to Ghandnoosh, “Whites’ greater punitiveness relative to people of color is especially striking because whites are far less likely than blacks and Hispanics to be victims of crime” (Ghandnoosh, 2014, p. 10). Blacks and Hispanics always get accused of doing something they didn’t do. “The black/white focus is important in the criminal justice system. Race and criminal justice only focuses on black/white” (lecture, 2020, January 30). According to Russell-Brown, “Finally, a look at the history of race and crime suggests that offenses committed by Blacks have always received extraordinary attention” (Russell-Brown, p. 134). In the Zoot Suit Riots, the trial in the film was about the murder of Jose Diaz. “Jose Diaz was murdered at Sleepy Lagoon by a group of Mexican American teenagers from LA’s 38th street” (Tovares, 2001). There were growing concerns about crime among youth because Jose Diaz’s murder was the only thing that got people’s attention. In Los Angeles, Jose’s death was resonated with the political moment and the violence among Mexican-American. “The white Americans’ racial frame soon classified all Mexicans as a racially inferior people who could not govern themselves” (Cobas, Duany, and Feagin, 2009, p. 4). White Americans thinks they are better than Mexicans and it benefits white people by framing their society.
African Americans participated in the Great Migration to seek better economic opportunities and to escape racism. “The Great Migration is the movement of approximately 6 million African Americans who left the rural South. There were better economic opportunities because most of the jobs in the South were available to blacks were agricultural” (lecture, 2020, February 25). “It was the 13th Amendment that freed approximately 4 million enslaved people” (Allan & Pollard, 2012). The lynching of African Americans declined because blacks had already moved to the North, South, and West, and the states started using the death penalty. “More than half of the lynching victims EJI documented were killed under accusation of committing murder or ” (Equal Justice Initiative, 2015, p. 13). Lynching were being used as terror and to terrorize black people in the community. “It was not just about punishing someone suspected if criminality, but it was about communicating racial boundaries in terms of social transgressions” (lecture, 2020, February 20). It was a movement to get African Americans out of the rural South. Majority of African Americans moved into cities in the North, South, and West which increased the urban population. In the South, it was difficult for African Americans to work at factories because the only job that were available to blacks were agricultural. Then, in the North and West, the job that blacks had access to were industrial jobs. The Black Codes, sharecropping, and both the country and state systems prevented ex-slaves from obtaining the status by wage workers. Ex-slaves who used to work on plantations became tenant farmers, or sharecroppers because they used to escape the farm and then arrested and brought back to the farm they escaped from. Once African Americans moved to the North, South, and West, they experienced workplace discrimination. African Americans were experiencing workplace discrimination because majority of blacks would work in least skilled and dangerous positions while white workers were getting the best job. “Although jobs were comparatively better in the North and West, they still weren’t getting the best available jobs. They were still largely segregated. The better jobs were reserved for white folks” (lecture, 2020, February 25). The stereotype that Delgado mentioned was that it was better to speak English than Spanish. “A number of workplaces have begun insisting that their employees speak English exclusively, whether when interacting with the public or each other” (Delgado, 2009, p. 5). “Spanish language was considered threatening in terms of national identity” (lecture, 2020, February 13). “The Black Codes, sharecropping, and both the country and state systems of hiring out vagrants and felons to agricultural or industrial employers aimed to achieve the same objective: to prevent the ex-slaves from obtaining the status and the rights enjoyed by wage workers” (Adamson, 1983, p.559). Ex-slaves who used to work on plantations became tenant farmers, or sharecroppers because they used to escape the farm and then arrested and brought back to the farm they escaped from.
The next thing that African Americans faced when they moved in the white neighborhoods was residential discrimination. “Bank redlining is a created map that have red lines around the block with presence of one black person or one Jewish person. There would not be any mortgages given on those blocks. Blockbusting is when real estate developers would bust up blocks because one black family would move in. It was a scare tactic to get whites to sell their home cheap and then they would sell the house at a high price to blacks that had moved in” (Bongiorno, 2007). Bank redlining were very important because on the map certain colors or races were split apart from the whites and the whites would have their own sections apart from the blacks. Also, the bank declines the loans to people in poor areas. “White Americans are less likely to invest in neighborhoods or color and more likely to leave when a nonwhite family moves into the neighborhood (Massey and Denton). Whites also see black people as a threat to property values and routinely devalue the cost of housing in neighborhood when black families are present (Harris 1999; Krysan and Bader, 2007) (Brown & Barganier, 2018, p. 196). The effect that this had on people buying houses was that it limited the number of colored people who could buy a house and they would have a terrible interest rate. This made people to refinance their house so they can get a better interest rate.
Southern strategy was the notion of becoming tough on crime. “Southern strategy is a deliberate political strategy that triggered white fear of black street crime as a mean of gaining political support for the Republican Party” (lecture, 2020, March 5). “Over time, the responsiveness of electorally important segments of the public to the discourse of law and order did make it difficult for politicians to offer alternatives to the war on crime” (Beckett and Sasson, 2004, p. 46). Law and order increased criminal justice responses by withdrawing from the social support. Basically, we want to deter people from assuming that race is important and that people are advocating for their rights by gaining access to what their rights are.
This is my paper about what is meant by the concept “the racialization of crime.” Explain how African Americans and Latinos have been racialized as criminal and how this racialization influenced the historical development of criminal justice in the United States from slavery until the emergence of the “tough on crime” era in the late 1960s.
I was wondering if my introduction is alright and if not can you help me? Also, I know I need a conclusion, but I'm having difficult with what to say. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
4 answers
In the introduction, it does not introduce what follows. Perhaps you could include a short summary of each paragraph, say one sentence for each paragraph, as an introduction. As it is, the content of the paragraphs are not related much to the introduction.
Then, for my conclusion say: There is a lot of diversity within categories of race that refers to where people comes from. People in the communities and police officers treat people differently by the skin of their color or the way they are dressed. Blacks and Hispanics get harsher punishments and treated poorly than whites.
Conclusion: what about.....just state racism exists and causes behaviour issues, and we have a long way to before we recognize it and are able to confront it.