1st. container has 2x gal..
2nd container has X gal.
2x - 3 = x-2 + 4.5(x-2).
2x - 3 = 5.5x - 11,
-3.5x = -8,
X = 2.90 gal.
2x = 6.80 gal.
There are two containers of milk. There is twice as much milk in the first container as in the second. After using 2 gal. of milk from the second container and 3 gal. of milk from the first container, the second container had 4.5 times less milk than the first. How many gallons of milk were in both containers originally?
11 answers
Correction: X = 2.29 gal.
2x = 4.58 gal.
2x = 4.58 gal.
Ist container =2x
IInd container =x
2x-3 = (x-2)/4.5
Ist container = 4.8
2nd container 2.4
IInd container =x
2x-3 = (x-2)/4.5
Ist container = 4.8
2nd container 2.4
1st: 4.8
2nd: 2.4
2nd: 2.4
1st: 4.8
2nd: 2.4
2nd: 2.4
4.8, and 2.4
what answer is it :D
First one: 4.8
Second one: 2.4
Second one: 2.4
Yes, you are correct.
The first container is 4.8 gallons
The second container is 2.4 gallons
The second container is 2.4 gallons
That is correct! Great job.