There are several ways to start solving this equation. You can start by making sure there are only h terms on one side. Let’s get rid of the h terms on the right so there are only h terms on the left. What move can you make to both sides of the equation to get rid of the −3h on the right, so that the h terms are only on the left, while keeping the equation balanced?


Subtract 3h from both sides

Multiply both sides by 3h

Add 3h to both sides

1 answer

To get rid of the \(-3h\) on the right side of the equation and have only \(h\) terms on the left side, you should add \(3h\) to both sides of the equation. This will keep the equation balanced.

Starting with the equation:

\[2h - 6 = -3h - 5\]

If you add \(3h\) to both sides, you will get:

\[2h + 3h - 6 = -3h + 3h - 5\]

This simplifies to:

\[5h - 6 = -5\]

Now all the \(h\) terms are on the left side. So, the correct move is to add \(3h\) to both sides.