The unit which I'm on right now focuses on different types of clothing found in diiferent types of stores. I'm having difficulties on some parts of this unit and would like clarification. Notes would be helpful. My chapter's title is On fait les magasins. In this chapter I have learned to express likes and dislikes. Agree and disagree. Express need. Express intentions. Invite. Inquire about and compare prices. Ask for information. Give information. Ask someone to repeat. Choose and purchase items. One main part I am having complications on is the Position of Adjectives. I have some notes on them, but would like to have more. The notes are below.

Position of Adjectives:
In French, adjectives usually follow the nouns they describe.

Donnez-moi une boisson(chaude).
Je voudrais un café(noir).
Mario est un serveur(italian).

Some frequently used adjectives precede the nouns they describe. These adjectives often express beauty, age, number, goodness, and size. I would love to have more notes.

2 answers

Unlike English, most descriptive adjectives in French follow the noun they modify. Some short descriptigve adjectives that usually precede the noun are:
beau, bon, court, gentil, grand, gros, jeune, joli, long, mauvais, nouveau, petit, vieux, vilain

those are only the masculine singular forms, but don't forget an adjective modifies the noun(s) in gender (masculine or feminine) and in number (singular or plural.)

Other common adjectives that precede the noun are: autre, chaque, dernier, plusieurs, premier, quelque, quelques, tel, tout

The adjecive "tout" precedes the definite article:
toute la maison
tous les animaux

Certain French adjectives have TWO or more meanings. In their usual position, AFTER the noun, they have their literal meaning. BEFORE the noun, they ave a different meaning.

un ancien livre = an old (ancient) book
une ancienne coutume = a former custom

un garçon brave = a brave boy
un brave garçon = a fine (good, worthy) boy

une étoffe chère = an expensive material
un cher ami = a dear friend (esteemed, cherished)

la semaine dernière = last week (just passed)
la dernière semaine = the last week (of a series)

un auteur méchant = a spiteful (wicked, vicious, ill-natured) author
un méchant auteur = a bad (pitiful, inept) author
un méchant garçon = a bad (naughty) boy

la chose même = the very thing
la même chose = the same thing

mes gants propres = my clean gloves
mes propres gants = my own gloves

un homme seul = a man alone, a single man (by himself)
le seul homme = the only man

If you keep these lists, adjectives will be easier!

Sra (aka Mme)
thanks Sra, your notes helped me understand about adjectives much more better. I'm going to keep these notes with me forever.