The u.s. declaration of independence and the french declaration of rights of man both drew on which enlightenment idea?
1 Citizens must demonstrate their ability to rule themselves.
2 Nations should fight to prove their right to independence.
3 People are born with inherent rights that must be protected. ****
4 Rulers and the ruled have shared rights and responsibilities
We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men and women are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness; that to secure these rights governments are instituted, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.
-presented at the Seneca Falls Convention, 1848
Which statement describes the document excerpted?
1. The authors used language from the Declaration of Independence to call for the abolition of slavery.*******
2. The authors used language from the Declaration of Independence to demand suffrage for women.
3. The authors used language from the Constitution to justify equal voting rights for African American men and women.
4. The authors used language from the Constitution to oppose the passage of Jim Crow laws in the United States.
Which leaders led nationalist revolutions that freed much of South America from Spanish rule? Select all that apply.
a. Dom Pedro
b. Father Jose Morelos
c. Father Miguel Hidalgo
d. Jose de San Martin*****
e. Simon Bolivar****
f. Toussaint L'Ouverture*****
Why did the Dreyfus Affair divide French society?
a. Few people believed in the innocence of Alfred Dreyfus.
b. Emile Zola delivered false testimony against Alfred Dreyfus.
c. The royalists and the military refused to give Alfred Dreyfus a public trial.*****
d. Anti-Semitic officials convicted Alfred Dreyfus based on secret evidence.
Thank you
22 answers
2 - no
3 - Haiti is not part of South America.
4 - no
3. Jose de San Martin
Simon Bolivar
4.Anti-Semitic officials convicted Alfred Dreyfus based on secret evidence.
3. Jose de San Martin
Simon Bolivar - There's one more
4.Anti-Semitic officials convicted Alfred Dreyfus based on secret evidence. - Yes
Please do not post these questions again.
1- extravagance
2- both embraced western ideas and worked to bring russia fully into european culture and political life
3-by elevating parliament above monarchy
4-election of representatives to a lawmaking body, establishment of limited government, a system of checks and balances..
5-people are born with inherent rights that must be protected
6-the establishemtn of the napoleonic code
7-britans may ports as an island nation supported international trade
8-electricity replaced steam power in homes and businesses
9-the authors used language from the declaration of independence to demand suffrage for women
10-jose de san martin, simon bolivar
11-inspired nationalist movements for unification
12-anti-semetic officals convicted alfred dreyfus based on secret evidence
13-by igniting debate over the expansion of slavery
14-russias defeat in the war sparked calls for political and social reform
15-european nations sought sources of raw materials for industry
16-countries were created without regard for traditional ethnic groupings
17-ottoman leaders feared losing parts of the empire to ambitious neighbors
18-forced china to accept unfavorable trade terms with western nations
19-meiji restoration
20-to build a canal linking the atlantic and the pacific
21-ethnic tensions made the region vulnerable to conflict
22-trench warfare, poison gas, rapid-fire machine guns
23-it required germany to crippling reparations for the war
25-economic differences
26-mohandas gandhi
27-peasant farmers
28-us banks stopped investments in europe and demanded more european goods
29-by appealing to citizens anger at econimic crisis and social unrest
30-harsh reparations from world war 1, spread of the great depression
31-the policy emboldened hitler to further acts of aggression
32-the attack of the navy warfare against civilian ships
33-allied powers knew about nazi death camps but focused their efforts on the defeat of germany
34-they filled important jobs in wartime industries
35-led the japanese to surender
36-stalin broke promises to allow free elections in eastern europe
37-marshall plan
39-muslim-hindu tensions
40-through non-violent resistance
41-anger at western interventions
42-radical groups rejections of isreals right to exist, israeli settlements in the west bank
43-new farming technologies increased food output
44-overpopulation strains available resources
45-defeat in the falklands war weekend the military regime
46-job scarcity ad the costs if goods increased
47-the internet increased economic social and cultural exchanges
48-deforestation as a result of devolopment
49-genetic engineering increases food output but equitable distribution remains a problem
50-peace of westphalia
good luck!
- Election of representatives to a lawmaking body
- A system of checks and balances
- The attack of the navy base at Pearl Harbor
#38: (You skipped this one by accident)
- Preventing the spread of communism
#39 is 4