Look the word up before you take any more wild guesses!
The truck was "careening" around the sharp curves of the road as it made its way down the steep mountainside. Which is best definition of the word "careening"?
1)spinning wildly
2)hustling rapidly
3)lurching dangerously
4)wandering aimlessly
I think #1
Thanks in advance for your help.
7 answers
Jamie, any time you encounter a word you're unfamiliar with, look it up. An easy way to do that, if your device has a web browser (Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc.)is to type the word into the browser followed by the word "definition" and click or touch "search" or "enter".
Thanks, but I did check the meaning of careening( swiftly and uncontrollable) but 3 of the answers were so close, I could not decide. I have changed my answer to #2
Thanks for being so nice.
Thanks for being so nice.
#2 is not what I'd choose. Think about "ucontrollable."
That's two wrong guesses, so please don't post about this again.
That's two wrong guesses, so please don't post about this again.
I think of lurching.
I think it is the 1st one