Does it mean that every day is the same. Men rule. Women obey.
What are your thoughts?
The title "another evening at the club" is close in meaning to "just another evening at the club" given the events of the story, what is the significance of this meaning?
I need help explaining this. I have no idea how to word it
24 answers
yuh very helpful mS SuE
for the man, it was nothing special. but for the girl, it impacted her heavily. she felt guilty for the servant being beat up, but for him it was not meaningful. he shrugged it off and said he’d sell it and buy a new one so no one finds out. also, the man seems to be controlling and dominating of the relationship because of cultural aspects. the woman has no say and does what the man says.
very helpful ms.sue but thank you anon ^
Thank you anon and Ms. Sue
honestly i feel bad that ms sue gets hate even when shes not alive ;-;. even when she gives good advice it just gets immediately disliked. sometimes she did give some v e r y "unhelpful" advice but sometimes shes helpful. dislike this comment if you agree lol.
“Another Evening at the Club” is set in the Middle East in the mid 1900s. In this time and place, it was not uncommon for women to be mistreated. The words "another" or "just another" signify that this poor treatment happened regularly. Samia's husband allows the wrongly-accused female servant to be punished for a crime she did not commit. He shows no remorse as if his reaction to the servant were just a matter of course; something any man in his situation would do. Even the way he treats his wife is dismissive. Throughout the short story, he pats her cheeks a number of times. The repetition of this patronizing gesture shows that treating women as if they're children was very common.
Ms Sue is red pilled and based
I think "Ms Sue" is a bot
She dead just leave her alone
El Caca
is ms sue like deadass dead.
she killed herself lowkey lowkey im not kidding
can someone put more detail into the answers? maybe put the texts/evidence into it as well?
ms. sue died of cancer, she was battling it for years, her partner passed in 2003
who is ms.sue
umm is she dead dead ... if so rip