To determine which two species most likely have the most recent common ancestor based on the presence of anatomical features, we need to understand the patterns of shared traits among the organisms.
If we assume that the table shows similarities in traits, then the two species that share the most traits (or the most recent evolutionary adaptations) would likely have the most recent common ancestor.
Without seeing the actual table or data, I can guide you on the thought process:
- Look for the organisms that have the highest number of shared traits.
- The organism pair with the greatest number of similarities indicates a more recent common ancestor.
Assuming typical patterns of trait sharing, if species A and B have the most traits in common, then the answer would be D: A & B. However, if the similarities were between, say, species B and D, then the answer would be A: B & D.
In conclusion, you would select the pair that shows the greatest similarity in traits. Please refer to the specific data in your table to make the final decision based on the actual traits present for each organism.