"The steady wash of the waves, the bobbing and swaying of the ship, the creak and groan of timbers, all told me the Seahawk was plowing toward home...Nervously,I glanced over my shoulder through the steerage cabin...I had neglected to consider something about the voices I had heard that first night. The suspicion became rather like an invisible rope that restrained me. Try though I might I could not find how to unbind it" (Avi, 185-186).
What is Avi creating in this scene fro The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle? Of what literary device is this an example? Explain why.
I think that Avi is trying to create suspense and mystery by showing that Charlotte is only now thinking about the conversation that she had heard in the beginning of the novel. This is an example of foreshadowing because the description of the setting creates a gloomy and mysterious mood while hinting that there is some significance to the voices Charlotte heard.
1 answer
I have not read the novel, but this sounds reasonable.