The speed of sound in a classroom is 343m/s.

A) A tuning fork of frequency 512Hz is struck. What length of open air tube is required to create a resonant sound at the 1st harmonic?
L=.5wavelength=.5(.67)= 0.335m

B) Fore the same tube, what tuning fork frequency is needed to generate a resonant tone at the 3rd harmonic?
Therefore: .335=1.5wavelength
wavelength= .223m
f=v/wavelength=343/.223= 1538.12Hz

C)In the same classroom, what is the lowest resonant frequency for a closed air tube of length 45cm?


I'm having a really hard time with waves... So I just want to make sure I'm on the right track. Thanks a bunch :)

6 answers
so A yes .335
B yes 1536
well lambda = 1.8 meters all right
1.8 = v T = v/f
f = v/1.8 = 343/1.8 = 1.91 Hz
keep that distance = speed *time in mind
191 Hz
Oh I mixed up my formula!! Thank you for catching that :) I hate stupid mistakes that I should know better than.
When in danger or in doubt, keep the units and make sure they come out right.

meters = meters/second * seconds :)
L = v T

f = 1/seconds
f = v/L = (meters/ second) / meters
= 1/seconds
Ok, that's a good idea, I struggle with the units sometimes so I should try & keep track anyways. Thanks again :)