"...the social lives of men and women caught up in the vortex of global change"
What does this statement suggest? What does it mean?
I was thinking that it means that peoples' lives are affected by global change.... but i am not quite sure if i'm correct.
3 answers
You are correct, but I think the emphasis is on social change: women's status, child care, alcohol and drug consumption, longetivity, consumerism, and advertising in a more and more throwaway world.
Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. You are definitely on the right track. The one thing certain in life IS change and we live now in a global society. One can not be isolated any longer by what is happening in other parts of the world. It affects our lives.
Yes; the statement assumes or asserts that global change makes modern social life more complex for many people (not necessarily all people). People are swept along by forces they cannot control. (Like being caught in a vortex).
The statement refers to the men and women whose lives ARE thus affected.
The statement refers to the men and women whose lives ARE thus affected.