The program below asks the user to enter several integers, which are added to a list called values. Use the core math functions to find and display the minimum and maximum values and the sum of all entered values.

Use min() to find the minimum value. Print that minimum to the screen with the message "Min = [value]"
Use max() to find the maximum value. Print that maximum to the screen with the message "Max = [value]"
Use sum() to find the sum of all values. Print that sum to the screen with the message "Sum = [value]"
The following examples demonstrate the expected program output.

Enter list value: 2
Enter list value: 1
Enter list value: 3
Min = 1
Max = 3
Sum = 6
Enter list value: -10
Enter list value: 200
Enter list value: 30
Min = -10
Max = 200
Sum = 220


Must start off with this

import math

values = []

for i in range(0,3):
value = int(input("Enter list value: "))

1 answer

import math

values = []

for i in range(0,3):
value = int(input("Enter list value: "))

min_value = min(values)
max_value = max(values)
sum_value = sum(values)

print("Min = ", min_value)
print("Max = ", max_value)
print("Sum = ", sum_value)