The program below asks the user to enter several integers, which are added to a list called values. Use the core math functions to find and display the minimum and maximum values and the sum of all entered values.

Use min() to find the minimum value. Print that minimum to the screen with the message "Min = [value]"
Use max() to find the maximum value. Print that maximum to the screen with the message "Max = [value]"
Use sum() to find the sum of all values. Print that sum to the screen with the message "Sum = [value]"
The following examples demonstrate the expected program output.

Enter list value: 2
Enter list value: 1
Enter list value: 3
Min = 1
Max = 3
Sum = 6
Enter list value: -10
Enter list value: 200
Enter list value: 30
Min = -10
Max = 200
Sum = 220

import math

values = []

for i in range(0,3):
value = int(input("Enter list value: "))

min_value = min(values)
max_value = max(values)
sum_value = sum(values)

print("Min = ", min_value)
print("Max = ", max_value)
print("Sum = ", sum_value)

Are there supposed to be indentation?

9 answers

Yes, there should be proper indentation in the code provided. Each line of code inside the for loop and the print statements should be indented to ensure that they are executed within the loop. This is important for the correct execution of the program.
Include the code
Here is the properly indented code:

import math

values = []

for i in range(0, 3):
value = int(input("Enter list value: "))

min_value = min(values)
max_value = max(values)
sum_value = sum(values)

print("Min = ", min_value)
print("Max = ", max_value)
print("Sum = ", sum_value)

This code will correctly prompt the user to enter integer values, store them in a list, and then use the min(), max(), and sum() functions to find the minimum, maximum, and sum of the entered values. Finally, it will display these values with appropriate messages.
Which parts should be indented
In Python, any code that is part of a loop, conditional statement, function, or other block structure should be indented to show that it is inside that block. In the provided code snippet, the following parts should be indented:

1. The `value = int(input("Enter list value: "))` line inside the `for` loop.
2. The `values.append(value)` line inside the `for` loop.
3. The `print("Min = ", min_value)` line.
4. The `print("Max = ", max_value)` line.
5. The `print("Sum = ", sum_value)` line.

These lines should be indented to the same level as the `for` loop statement to ensure that they are executed within the loop. Python uses indentation to define the structure of the code, so correct indentation is essential for the program to work correctly.
How many times
In the provided code snippet, there are several parts that need to be properly indented. Here is a breakdown of the lines that need to be indented and the number of times they should be indented:

1. The line `value = int(input("Enter list value: "))` inside the `for` loop needs to be indented once.
2. The line `values.append(value)` inside the `for` loop needs to be indented once.
3. The line `print("Min = ", min_value)` outside the `for` loop needs no additional indentation.
4. The line `print("Max = ", max_value)` outside the `for` loop needs no additional indentation.
5. The line `print("Sum = ", sum_value)` outside the `for` loop needs no additional indentation.

Therefore, the lines inside the `for` loop need to be indented once, while the lines outside the `for` loop do not need any additional indentation.
How many spaces
In Python, the standard convention for code indentation is to use 4 spaces for each level of indentation. Therefore, each indented line should have 4 spaces before the actual code begins.

In the provided code snippet, all indented lines (inside the `for` loop) should have 4 spaces before the code starts. The lines outside the loop should not have any additional indentation.

Here is the breakdown:

1. The line `value = int(input("Enter list value: "))` inside the `for` loop should be preceded by 4 spaces.
2. The line `values.append(value)` inside the `for` loop should also be preceded by 4 spaces.

The print statements outside the loop do not require additional indentation and should start at the beginning of the line.