The molecular formula for this compound (14.37% H, density of 1.13 g/L at 24 C and 743 mmHg) is C_H_

I am not sure how to use this information

2 answers

Determine the empirical formula from the percent composition. The problem should have said it was a hydrocarbon; otherise we don't know the percent carbon. I will assume a hydrocarbon; therefore, %C = 100-%H. Take 100 g sample, then convert each to mols.
14.37/1 = 14.37 mols
85.6%/12 = 7.13
You can tell the ratio is CH2 and that is the empirical formula.
Now you need the molar mass which you can get from
P*molar mass = density*R*T
Solve for molar mass and determine frm that how many of the CH2 units are strung together to make up a mole.
Post your work if you get stuck.
Thank you, that was awesome, I think i got the right answer now

C2H4 is the molecular formula