q1 = heat to melt ice at zero C to water at zero C.
q1 = mass ice x heat fusion.
q2 = heat to move from zero C to 25 C.
q2 = mass water x specific heat water x delta T.
q total = q1 + q2
I don't see the right answer listed. Perhaps you made a typo in answer c.
the molar heat of fusion for water is 6.01 kJ/mol. the heat capacity for water is 75 J/mol deg. Which expresssion gives the quantity of energy needed to change one mol ice at 0 degrees celsius to liquid water at 25 degrees celsius?
3 answers
Yeah i meant to put 6010+(75x25). That would be correct right? And thank you for all your help.
Yes. That would be correct. I should get extra points for that; i.e., some for the right answer and some for catching the typo. :-)