The instructor states the following that i have to cover these points on a)characteristics of orientalism

b)how orientalism has involved into prejudice and discrimation
c)How to promote tolerance and reduce prejudice in our cities.

and the syllabus states this as well

(1) according to pyne, how have post 9-11 government responses affected prejudice and discrimination against muslims,arabs,and related groups?
(2) List two to three characteristics of orientalism. How may orientalism and prejudice contribute to hate crimes against these groups?
(3) what else can individuals do to promote tolerance and reduce prejudice in their towns and cities?
(4) responce has to be between 200-300 words.

the answer:(how does it sound and if it covers all points at least needed)what else can i add to it.

According to payne in making enemies she contends that throughout the united states there has been increased prejudice against muslims and arabs after 9/11 . she also contends that htis was exacerbated by the united states government's actions, and response, to these people in response to the terrorist attacks. more then just effectively condoning this type of behavior it also served to encourage discrimination as an act of pariotism.
The strong negative emotional aspect itied to mislims and arabs after 9/11 would entice a greater incidence of hate crimes against these groups. This would only be aggravated, as payne suggested, by those who were more patriotic;as treating muslims and arabs would beperceived as supporitng the United States. Furthermore, the affective prejudice made the arabs and muslims seem like lesser americans, or not amercan at all, and thus not entiled to the treatment that others deserve.
There are a number of htings that can be done to promote tolerance within local cities. A good portion of the danger is caused by ignorance of islam and arab culture. this could be mitigated by having a muslim talk about both culture and religion to groups of people in places usch as at churches, schools, and other large group gatherings. secondarily, local news outlets should be encouraged to do stories that positively report on islam and arab culture to reach an even broader audience. finally those that are not prejudiced hsould encourage multi-culture gatherings, and personally participate in these events and organizations.

Other teachers have answered your subsequent questions very well. But I must put my own two cents in to this post.

Orientalism implies distrust of anything or anyone who is Asian. Yet, you seem to be focusing on only the Islamic and Arabic parts of Asia. As you can see from this map, Islam is not the major religion in the Orient and most Asians are not Arabic.

Is it possible that the current prejudice against Muslims is due to the actions and diatribes of a few Muslims against the U.S. and its allies in the last 50 years?

In my opinion, the prejudice is not due to Orientalism, but is due to anti-Muslim and anti-Arabic sentiments.

I am under the impression that Orientalism would include the Muslims because Orientalism is the study of the far East. At bleast that's how I understand it to be

According to payne in making enemies she contends that throughout the united states there has been increased prejudice against muslims and arabs after 9/11 . she also contends that htis was exacerbated by the united states government's actions, and response, to these people in response to the terrorist attacks. more then just effectively condoning this type of behavior it also served to encourage discrimination as an act of pariotism.
The strong negative emotional aspect itied to mislims and arabs after 9/11 would entice a greater incidence of hate crimes against these groups. This would only be aggravated, as payne suggested, by those who were more patriotic;as treating muslims and arabs would beperceived as supporitng the United States. Furthermore, the affective prejudice made the arabs and muslims seem like lesser americans, or not amercan at all, and thus not entiled to the treatment that others deserve.
There are a number of htings that can be done to promote tolerance within local cities. A good portion of the danger is caused by ignorance of islam and arab culture. this could be mitigated by having a muslim talk about both culture and religion to groups of people in places usch as at churches, schools, and other large group gatherings. secondarily, local news outlets should be encouraged to do stories that positively report on islam and arab culture to reach an even broader audience. finally those that are not prejudiced hsould encourage multi-culture gatherings, and personally participate in these events and organizations.

I do not know who is pretending to be me on this subject however my opinions are different then yours and I do not appreciate you acting like me.

37 answers

1) according to pyne, how have post 9-11 government responses affected prejudice and discrimination against muslims,arabs,and related groups?
(2) List two to three characteristics of orientalism. How may orientalism and prejudice contribute to hate crimes against these groups?
(3) what else can individuals do to promote tolerance and reduce prejudice in their towns and cities?
two characteristic of orentalism
Identify the legislation (Public Law #, Amendment #, etc.) that you think is linked to the issue, and explain why you think there is a connection. Consult the National Congress of American Indians Web site, the Indian Country newspaper, or another online source for examples of pertinent issues.
Basically Orientalism = Xenophobia

an unreasonable fear or hatred of foreigners or strangers or of that which is foreign or strange.
(3) what else can individuals do to promote tolerance and reduce prejudice in their towns and cities?
name two ways to promote tolerance
How may orientalism and prejudice contribute to hate crimes against these crimes.
What are 3 characteristics of orientalism
Im an instructor at Axia and Im letting you know...for your own good: Do not your own work or you will be expelled.
There are sites all over the internet with people asking the same questions we have in our syllubus. To all those people get a life and try reading the material on your own for once. You might learn something.
How may Orientalism and prejudice
contribute to hate crimes against these groups?
what are two characteristics of orientalisms
i what to know According Pyne, how have post-9-11 government responses affected prejudice and
discrimination against Muslims, Arabs, and related groups?
List two to three characteristics of Orientalism. How may Orientalism and prejudice
contribute to hate crimes against these groups?
In addition to the examples of tolerance identified in the article, what else can
individuals do to promote tolerance and reduce prejudice in their towns and cities?
I wasn't given squat as far as materials to read, thank you very much. What seems a little weird to me is that there is nothing, not in ANY of the text available to me, that pertains to this "Orientalism" bit. I have looked everywhere for 4 friggin days and have had enough. This class is ruining my GPA because of the fact that nothing is at all what it is supposed to be. So far, I have done everything on my own. Posting questions? You wont get an answer. Thanks, but I'll take my help where I can. If you can give me the chapter that this crap is supposed to be in, I'll find it. Otherwise, try to keep the negative crap out of the help forums. If you want to help, why don't you tell me why I can't find anything on this? Why is there no reading to go along with this?
I can tell you if you look in chapter 11 it gives you some insights to the questions.
Can you provide two characteristics of Orientalism? and how does this contribute to hate crimes?
I just wanted to say thanks for stating that Chapter 11 offers help. I was also going nuts because the week's materials did not include anything even remotely helpful for this assignment. Chapter 11 was part of the previous week's reading, and with my other classes I have already read another 5 chapters since I read that one!

But again, thanks for pointing out Chapter 11, I am rereading it as we speak.
If you are an Axia student then, YES, there is reading materials for this "crap". There is a whole chapter of the text that answers each part of our questions thoroughly and clearly. Chapter 11 of the "Racial and Ethnic Groups" text that is available through the aXcess course materials covers this section. What makes you think that the course syllabus would require you to answer questions without giving you the resources in which to answer them. I think it's time for someone to take a time out and maybe ask their instructor for further guidance instead of throwing an a fit in a public forum.
According Pyne, how have post-9-11 government responses affected prejudice and discrimination against Muslims, Arabs, and related groups?
According to Payne, in Making Enemies she contends that throughout the United States there has been increased prejudice against Muslims and Arabs after 9/11. She also contends that this was exacerbated by the United States government's actions in response to the situation. More than just effectively condoning this type of behavior it also served to encourage discrimination as an act of patriotism.
The strong negative emotional feelings towards Muslims and Arabs after 9/11 would entice a greater incidence of hate crimes against these groups. This would only be aggravated, as Payne suggested, by those who were more patriotic; as treating Muslims and Arabs would be perceived as supporting the United States. Furthermore, the prejudice made the Arabs and Muslims seem like lesser Americans or not American at all; thus insinuating that they are not entitled to the same treatment as Americans.
List two to three characteristics of Orientalism. How may Orientalism and prejudice contribute to hate crimes against these groups?
One characteristic would be faith and another would be language. Orientalism and prejudice contribute to hate crimes because people assume all “non-Americans” are terrorists and so people will commit crimes against races because they feel these groups are inferior.
In addition to the examples of tolerance identified in the article, what else can individuals do to promote tolerance and reduce prejudice in their towns and cities?
There are a number of things that can be done to promote tolerance within local cities. A good portion of the danger is caused by ignorance of Islam and Arab culture. This could be mitigated by having a Muslim talk about both culture and religion to groups of people in places such as at churches, schools, and other large group gatherings. Secondarily, local news outlets should be encouraged to do stories that positively report on Islam and Arab culture to reach an even broader audience. Finally those that are not prejudiced should encourage multi-culture gatherings, and personally participate in these events and organizations.
Hello fellow students. I am a student as well in this ethnics class and so foar I have not had any issues with the following assignments. If you scroll through your reading just to find a particular answer that you are not reading at all. Yes, Chapter 11 is a particular chapter that you can find this type of information, and you could try using the libary as well it has been very helpful to me through the portion of this class.
I think that your obviously getting help here as well or else you wouldnt even know to look at this website!
For those of you howm are being negitive and unnessasarily obsen to anyone on this site please stop th whole idea of distance learning is to communicate with others and do the best you can assuming that everyone is on the same level as you or in the same mind fram is ignorant and you may be right for the most pat but as stated before unless it is your intention that you have been hired by the college to make everyone else feel benieth you or just trying to make your self feel better which ever it may be obviously you also need help or in desperet need of personal consuling because like all of us you are on this site to if you know everything why are you here or better yet why are you in college why not just take the test you need to tro get the credit you need to get your graduation bumped up and out of the way so the rest of us can contribute to each other and actually learn some thing. Thank so much for your time.
dose anyone know how orientalist and prejudices is contributing to hate crimes?
Before you start putting anyone down for asking for help...learn how to spell you make yourself look silly
Wow all the negativity. I am also working on the same topic and I am also an axia student as well I am having troubles as well with this assignment. All I can say honestly is work through the assignments patiently. I start all my assignments on mondays so by the time this one is due i would have gone through the text 3 or 4 times before i would have turned it in. Eventually this would have knocked information in my brain. I do not this it is anyones place to use the negativity in this type of forum since most of us are just learning as well. One day that person needing help now will give you help later so be nice! Other than that I would read chapter 11 a few times it might spark an idea.
ROFL to funny all
I too am trying to find the entire answer...but I would like to offer a tip for finding the answers in our reading. Yes Chapter 11 is where u need to be. And if you go to the PDF tool bar & click on search, enter the word(s) such as "orientalism" and you will get links that will take you to each sentence that "orientallism" is used in. That is helping me to find some of the answers I need.
Thank you for the tip on using the search tool. I had a lot of trouble finding out where to get the information for this assignment. I too am an Axia student and freaked out when the syllabus didn't mention what resources to use to help in answering the questions. Thankfully I did a little research online and wound up at this website. It is very helpful because I found what I needed right away. Anyway thanks for the tip on the search tool
I would just like to know for whomever is telling people to do it om there own and to get a life or whatever you said so ignorantly, are you a genius? I for one have never met one an it would be nice to. I guess that in your geniuos life you have never been stumped on anything and have never had to ask for a bit of assistance. I tip my glass to you for being incensitive and ignorant. I myself have asked for help sometimes, and I am a very intellegent woman, but I know that I am not better than anyone else, I have a hard time sometimes, and I am not to big of a person to ask for help when I need it. So kindly step down off your high horse and give these people a break, and if you can help help, or shut up and leave them alone. One other thing how would you know to come in here and give them a hard time if you were not looking the question up yourself.
Use five medical words discussed in this week’s reading to create a SOAP note. Respond to other students by adding anything they may have missed, correcting any errors, complimenting them on proper usage, or expanding on the details of the SOAP note. Be sure to use a proper and respectful online tone
I know this is a year later - but I don't think that Axia gives you crap in the way of material, and to be honest the teachers do not care, and do not help.
I came on here to get some guidance on where i can look for info to help me with this hw but instead i see stupidness from people. If someone ask for help and you cant help just back away and say i cant help you instead of leaving Dumb comments on this forum!!

such a shame!!
what is the point of trying to learn this if people are going to post the answers, DO THE WORK YOUR SELF! that is the LAZIEST but of crap i have ever seen, i typed one word in on the net and got plenty of options, i suppose college is not for some people. besides, how do i know any of the stuff you post here is right, i take pride in learning, cant say that for people here. just in case you are wondering i am on this site because i typed in the word orientalism and this was among 1,000 websites with help, DUH, GET YOUR HEADS OUT OF YOUR BUTTS SERIOUSLY. CHEATERS!!!! PS i AM ATTENDING AXIA....CHEATERS!!
thank you for suggesting chapter 11.
This class is killing me! I understand everyones concerns. I have read chapter 11 over and over and none of this is sinking in. I lastly googled to see what was out on the world wide web and found this. I don't blame this student for seeking help. The questions asked in this class go way deeper than any of the materials that they offer. It never hurts to try and find alternate explanations.
The characteristics portion is what I do not understand. Characteristics of Arabs and Muslims or characteristics of Orientalism? I'm going with Orientalism, but yes this chapter should have been placed in this weeks materials.
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