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an internet search on Nim will provide useful discussions.
The Game of Nim This version of Nim begins with 12 nickels (other coins will do) arranged in three horizontal rows as shown. 1. Two players take turns removing one or more coins according to the following rules. On any turn, the coin(s) removed must be from the same horizontal row. The person who takes the last coin wins. Only one coin can be removed by the winner. In case the game is still unclear, here is a game scenario between two fictional players - Logan and Amber. Start: C Amber takes 2 from Row A Logan takes 2 from Row B DO Amber takes 2 from Row B Logan takes 4 from Row C Amber takes 1 from Row C Logan WINS because he has one coin left to take... Now it is your turn.
2. Play a minimum of five games of Nim with a friend or family member. 3. Answer questions A, B, and C after completing your games. a. Is there a winning strategy? b. Does it matter who goes first? Why or why not? C. Suppose the rules were changed to whoever ends up with the last coin loses. Is there a winning strategy? (You may want to play the game with this switch of the rules.)
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