The following sentences illustrate several kinds of nonparallel construction. Rewrite the sentences to achieve parallelism.
1. Most critics agree that Citizen Kane was well acted, skillfully directed, and it had a powerful screenplay.
Most critics agree that Citizen Kane was well acted, skillyfully directed, and had a powerful screenplay.
2. Getting ready for his walk across the park, James decided to take along a bottle of sulfa tablets, a box of salt, and he included his well-thumbed copy of .
Getting ready for his walk across the park, James decided to take along a bottle of sulfa tablets, a box of salt, and a well-thumbed copy of .
3. The defeated players left the field looking exhausted, despondent, and as if they were angry.
The defeated players left the field looking exhausted, despondent, angry.
4. If you insist on reading the Old Testament all the way through and to do the same with the New Testament, you are in for some big surprises.
If you insist on reading the Old Testament all the way through and you do the same with the New Testament, you are in for some big surprises.
5. To survive this inflation, the company must reduce expenses either by firing some people or it will have to slash everyone's salary.
To survive this inflation, the company must reduce expenses either by firing some people or slashing everyone's salary.
6. In South Africa the baboons not only annoy farmers by raiding cornfields but also chicken coops.
In South Africa the baboons not only annoy farmers by raiding cornfields but also annoy chicken coops.
7. She owed her shrewdness both to her years of reading Aristotle and her years of commuting on the New York subways.
She owed her shrewdness both to her years of reading Aristotle and to her years of commuting on the New York subways.
The following sentences illustrate several kinds of nonparallel construction. Rewrite the sentences to achieve parallelism.
1. Most critics agree that Citizen Kane was well acted, skillfully directed, and it had a powerful screenplay.
Most critics agree that Citizen Kane was well acted, skillfully directed, and had a powerful screenplay. The first two of the series have an adverb and a verb form; the third has a verb and an adjective and a noun (direct object). That third element needs to be changed so that it, too, has an adverb and a verb form ... perhaps "powerfully written" ??
2. Getting ready for his walk across the park, James decided to take along a bottle of sulfa tablets, a box of salt, and he included his well-thumbed copy of .
Getting ready for his walk across the park, James decided to take along a bottle of sulfa tablets, a box of salt, and a well-thumbed copy of . good
3. The defeated players left the field looking exhausted, despondent, and as if they were angry.
The defeated players left the field looking exhausted, despondent, angry. good, except you need to add "and" before "angry"
4. If you insist on reading the Old Testament all the way through and to do the same with the New Testament, you are in for some big surprises.
If you insist on reading the Old Testament all the way through and you do the same with the New Testament, you are in for some big surprises. better, but rather awkward; how about "If you insist on reading the Old and New Testaments all the way through, ... "?
5. To survive this inflation, the company must reduce expenses either by firing some people or it will have to slash everyone's salary.
To survive this inflation, the company must reduce expenses either by firing some people or slashing everyone's salary. good
6. In South Africa the baboons not only annoy farmers by raiding cornfields but also chicken coops.
In South Africa the baboons not only annoy farmers by raiding cornfields but also annoy chicken coops. Hmmm! "In South Africa, the baboons annoy farmers by raiding cornfields and the chicken coops."
7. She owed her shrewdness both to her years of reading Aristotle and her years of commuting on the New York subways.
She owed her shrewdness both to her years of reading Aristotle and to her years of commuting on the New York subways. I don't see any change; how about "She owed her shrewdness to her years of reading Aristotle and commuting on the New York subways."
Scroll down for some excellent before and after examples.
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