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The following questions are based on the “Mt. Dome, California,” quadrangle (Figure 33-2 found on page 228 of the Laboratory Manual; enlarged to scale 1:48,000; contour interval 40 feet) and the stereogram of the same
4 answers
Your course is called "laney college"? I'm sure the college is worth studying to determine its academic excellence, etc., but what does that have to do with anything we can help you with?
The following questions are based on the “Mt. Dome, California,” quadrangle (Figure 33-2 found on page 228 of the Laboratory Manual; enlarged to scale 1:48,000; contour interval 40 feet) and the stereogram of the same
What following questions? And, as Ms. Sue pointed out, we do not have "figure 33-2 on page 228" of your laboratory manual. Therefore, we can be of no help.