To show the correct chronological order of the key events in the origins of Islam, you would want to use the chart that places the events in the proper sequence.
Here is the correct chronological order of the events based on the typical historical accounts:
- 570 CE - Muhammad born in Mecca
- 610 CE - Gabriel visits Muhammad in meditation; Quran is transcribed
- 613 CE - Muhammad begins preaching his revelations from Allah
- 622 CE - Muhammad and his followers’ journey from Mecca to Medina, called Hijra
- 632 CE - Death of Muhammad and transition of power for first caliph; beginning of Sunni-Shiite split in Islam
- 634 CE - Death of first caliph, Abu Bakr
- 661 CE - Beginning of first Islamic Dynasty, Umayyad Dynasty, which marked the beginning of the Islamic Empire
- 1517 CE - Beginning of the Ottoman Empire
Now, comparing the provided options, the only chart that correctly displays these events in chronological order is:
Time Period Event
570 CE Muhammad born in Mecca
610 CE Gabriel visits Muhammad in meditation; Quran is transcribed
613 CE Muhammad begins preaching his revelations from Allah
622 CE Muhammad and his followers’ journey from Mecca to Medina, called Hijra
632 CE Death of Muhammad and transition of power for first caliph; beginning of Sunni-Shiite split in Islam
634 CE Death of first caliph, Abu Bakr
661 CE Beginning of first Islamic Dynasty, Umayyad Dynasty, which marked the beginning of the Islamic Empire
1517 CE Beginning of the Ottoman Empire
So the best response would be the fourth chart in your listing, as it maintains the correct sequence of these important events in the history of Islam.