To show the correct chronological order of the events in the origins of Islam, you would choose the following timeline:
Time Period | Event --- | --- 570 CE | Muhammad born in Mecca 610 CE | Gabriel visits Muhammad in meditation; Quran is transcribed 613 CE | Muhammad begins preaching his revelations from Allah 622 CE | Muhammad and his followers’ journey from Mecca to Medina, called Hijra 632 CE | Death of Muhammad and transition of power for first caliph; beginning of Sunni-Shiite split in Islam 634 CE | Death of first caliph, Abu Bakr 661 CE | Beginning of first Islamic Dynasty, Umayyad Dynasty, which marked the beginning of the Islamic Empire 1517 CE | Beginning of the Ottoman Empire
This timeline accurately reflects the order of events as they occurred from the birth of Muhammad to the start of the Ottoman Empire.