The following BODY paragraph appeared in a student essay submission. Read it carefully, identifying srengths and weaknesses in the margins and fixing any errors with regard to content, style, grammar, and mechanics.
I this already & I could only find that there was no legit reason behind the quotes.What else is wrong with this body paragraph? I'll # each sentence so it's easier to identify.
_____________________________________•English Language & composition - Zoe , Wednesday, September 2, 2015 at 5:27pm
Also check if the source citation is correct... I'm pretty sure the period should go after the citation.
1.) Source B explains that surveillance can influence the behavir of immates.
2.) Jeremy Bentham designed a panipticon prison that would allow efficient surveillance of imates.
3.) A panipticon is a circular building that allows the whole interior to be watched from the middle.
4.) As a result of this, the inmates would be influenced to behave well, knowing that they are being watched at all times.
5.) Bentham states that "The more constantly the persons to be inspected are under the eyes of the persons who should inspect them, the more perfectlu will the purpose o the establishment have been attained." (Bentham, par.1)
6.) Basically, meaning hat a prisons purpose has been attained if the inmates are always under the eys of the men who should be watching them.
7.) It is possible for the purpose to be attained with survellance cameras (Bentham).
1 answer
I would rearrange the sentences, and eliminate sentence one entirely, using sentence 5 as the topic sentence, then 2, 3, 4,6, and 7, with some rewriting to make it flow better, with better transitions. This paragraph does not directly identify Source B, but I assume it is Bentham. If it's a different source, it should be stated, and that might affect the way the paragraph is written.