The essay is supposed to be on Advertisements, then we have to narrow it. I have narrowed it to TV advertisements on cars. I was thinking of TV advertisements appeal in the following ways: accessibility, image changing and ???. accessibility would be those advertisements that say you don't need good credit, you will have low monthly payments, etc. The style changing would be the corvettes that change you into a cool free dude, or the van that makes you the best mommy, etc. I am struggling with the third category (maybe utility) like the truck for deliveries etc, but not sure how to incorporate this and also want to make sure these are good categories...Pls. help my clock is ticking and I am stressing need to get the whole paper written by tommorrow.....
Sorry if this is duplicated, posted it as an answer by mistake, so now posting as a question.
16 answers
Your ideas for truck advertising are good. Think of trucks going over all kinds of terrain (far more than most drivers ever see).
TV advertisements appeal to audiences in the following ways: accessibility (or should I say affordability?), image and mileage needs? This is my struggle, how to categorize that third area and not overlapping and staying distinct....
Macho man believes his stature is improved driving a big pickup truck. Of course some people use the pickup to haul stuff.
I know you are trying to make me think this out but i need clarification....I don't know how to categorize those two ideas. if i just put truck that can overlap with affordable and also image....right?
A pickup truck and a Corvette appeal to entirely different types of people.
so are you saying narrow it to truck and say advertisements for trucks appeal in three ways, their intended use, mileage needs and image. (Then, I go into intended use=hauling, mileage needs big wheels for mountains etc, image=large trucks macho)? Does that work? Is that where you are leading me? I feel really dense.
there are three types of truck advertisements those geared toward the worker, the economist and the macho guy
Good. Why the economist? Trucks use more gas than most cars.
I am required to do three. so worker macho guy and what???
Why not stick with your three original ideas?
Economy car
cool dude car (Corvette)
pickup truck
Oh yeah -- you also mentioned a van.
Economy car
cool dude car (Corvette)
pickup truck
Oh yeah -- you also mentioned a van.
I thought you were suggesting I move specifically to trucks? So if not then okay, "There are basically three types of ads for vehicles, those geared to the economy minded, the cool dude or the hauler???
there are basically three types of vehicle ads the pick up truck, the cool dude car and the mommy van???
Thank you! or should the third category be family and include van suv and station wagon???
Stick with the van.