The description moves from the broad category of transportation to a concrete, detailed image. The underlined words show how the image moves from the broadest category to the concrete, detailed image.
6 answers
Fats, what is your question here?
How can I description the word transportation in using concrete, detail image.
Use pictures of forms of transportation, wheels, planes, trains, carts, horses.....anything that you can think of that carries something.
Can you give an example on what you mean please. Choose one of the following categories: shelter, clothing, food, transportation, or culture. Begin with a broad statement about the category. Next, narrow down the category. Then, keep narrowing down the category to reach an image that is concrete and detailed by the end of the description.
I have to pick one of the following but I help explaining the one that I pick so can someone give me an example of one please. Choose one of the following categories: shelter, clothing, food, transportation, or culture. Begin with a broad statement about the category. Next, narrow down the category. Then, keep narrowing down the category to reach an image that is concrete and detailed by the end of the description.
Shelter --
Shelter is anything that helps protect people from the elements.
Shelters can be natural such as caves.
Shelters can also be manmade, such as tents, huts, mobile homes, ranch houses, mansions, castles, and apartment buildings.
Apartment buildings can be high rise or low rise.
My apartment building is four-stories tall.
My apartment has two bedrooms, nearly 1,000 square feet, and is on the ground floor.
Shelter is anything that helps protect people from the elements.
Shelters can be natural such as caves.
Shelters can also be manmade, such as tents, huts, mobile homes, ranch houses, mansions, castles, and apartment buildings.
Apartment buildings can be high rise or low rise.
My apartment building is four-stories tall.
My apartment has two bedrooms, nearly 1,000 square feet, and is on the ground floor.