The denominator of a fraction is one more then the numerator. If 2 were added to both the numerator and denominator, the new fraction equals 4/5. Find the original fraction.

3 answers

Why not just reverse the process and subtract 2 from top and bottom to get 2/3 ?
I can't. This is how my math teacher put in the question. Its confusing, right? Its just messed up. I was just hoping if someone can plug in the fraction. If I saw how it looks when its all plugged in I might get it.

(n+2) /[(n+1)+2 ] = 4/5

(n+2) / (n+3) = 4/5

5(n+2) = 4(n+3)

5 n + 10 = 4 n + 12

n = 2
