The civil rights movement consisted of many events, such as freedom rides and sit-ins. Some of the events, such as fires and murders, were violent and unsettling. But the killing of the four little girls in Birmingham is considered one of the most significant events. Why do you think it was so important?

3 answers

Good heavens! Who could possibly kill four girls in a church? That show of inhumanity and evil fired up the country to do something about these violent racists.
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Maddie, there were several events that mobilized public opinion in favor of the civil rights movement. The church bombing was so dramatic, it created sympathy for southern Blacks, as Ms. Sue so eloquently said. But television news showed peaceful protestors being attacked by police dogs, being beaten by police, having fire hoses turned on them, etc., and civil rights leader Medgar Evans being shot to death by a sniper in his own driveway with his wife and children inside the house to watch. Horrible things that TV news brought into white people's living rooms. Public opinion changed enough to bring some action to change laws.