The bearing of point A and B from a common point c are 030 and 290 respectively.find the bearing of a from b ,if a and b are equidistance from c

4 answers

Isn't it a triangle in which two legs are the same length, and the attached angles equal?
angleAB=290 to 360 + 000 to o3o= 70+30=100 deg
so the sum of the other two equal angles is 180-100=80
so each of those angles ....
Since the distance doesn't matter, set C at (0,0) and let CB=CA=100
Now you just want to find the slope of the line from B to A. That will be the cotangent of the bearing angle.
A = (50,87)
B = (-94,34)
see what you can do with that.
What is the final answer
I cant solve it