the back-to-back stem-and-leaf plot below shows the ages of patients seen by two doctors in a family clinic one day. what is the difference between the age of the oldest patient seen by doctor 1.

I don't get it....

18 answers

can someone please explain how to do this.... and possibly an example or 2
Your question doesn't make sense. Difference between the age of the oldest patient seen by doctor 1 and ????
and doctor 2 using the mean and median of each data set
which is
doctor 1 doctor 2
Key: means 29 <---9|2|3--->means 23
the back-to-back stem-and-leaf plot below shows the ages of patients seen by two doctors in a family clinic one day. what is the difference between the age of the oldest patient seen by doctor 1 and doctor 2 using the mean and median of each data set
ages of Doctor's patients
Key: means 29 <----9|2|3---->means 23
that's the question... but I need help to understand and examples to help me understand as well...
I'm sorry no one helped you. Here's what I got:
Doctor 1 - mean: 12 median: 12
Doctor 2 - mean: 14 median: 18.5

The only thing I don't understand is, how are we supposed to compare the two? Hope I helped you in some way.
Ms. Sue, you didn't even help the poor guy (or girl?). To compare, you have to find the range between the two. The range is 6 years.
answers for connexus students are:
7.c'll have to figure out on your own :)

Your welcome, 100% guaranteed!!
hes rights\
If you don't understand #8, try to look back at your last question and explain how you got that or something
add my snap i need friends @dreamz-0o
1. A
2. C
3. D
4. C
5. D
6. D
7. Ur own
My mathematical proven answer adds all of my specific calculations to the specific answer that you asked to be a complete answer of the range being 6 years old.
If you have the same problem as "Saoirse" we get 18.5 because 20 and 17 we add them and they equal 37 and then we divide it (37/2) and get 18.5
#7 is C
Thank you !!
Yb>> papi kentrell>>
The median is the value in the middle of the data set when the numbers are arranged from least to greatest. The numbers in the data set for #8 were not organized, so you wouldn't add / divide 20 + 16. ^^

To find the median, you would need to rearrange the numbers for both data sets (As state above):
(Doctor 1) 1+1+2+3+7+9+15+17+18+20+22+29+32
(Doctor 2) 2+3+9+13+15+17+20+22+23+26+35

So actually, the median would be 15 for doctor 1 and The median for Doctor 2 is 32 (the median is the mean of 15 and 17. 15+17/2 = 32.)
Hope this helps, ciao :)