The Agricultural Revolution involved all of the following except

the development of basic agricultural technology

the cultivation of grain

the development of factories

the domestication of animals


10 answers

Oh, come on now! What do factories have to do with agriculture? Only after the industrial revolution did we have manufactured plows, reapers, etc. For millenia it was all done by hand.
I doubt if 2phoneeee is even reading the questions, much less the textbook!
I think you may be right, but I think he or she is smart enough, just a bit lazy methinks.
i was stuck between the two of them which was D and c but i just choosed D and i didn't get sent the other sociology book yet that's why it seems like that but its okay ill just try my best to do it on my own
honestly if you would have ask i would have told the both of you i didn't have my second book sent to me yet but like always quick to assume things but i said fine ill do it on my own say nomore
Are you doing these by correspondence course or on line? I can tell you're intelligent enough to do this work. Lacking a text book, you can look things up on line. There is a wealth of material out there. It's better for you to do that, you will learn more about the subject matter, then having us tell you the answers. And sometimes the answer is apparent in the question, like this one. Industrialization came thousands of years after the development of agriculture. Domesticated animals are part of agriculture. You really don't need a textbook to figure this one out if you just think about it a little. You CAN do it. I know you can! :)
i only ask the questions on here that i cant find online i look up everything before i ask my questions on here sometimes i just cant find what im looking for or even then i find it but still don't understand it i don't want nobody to do the work for me that's why i always try to put what i think first so ill know if im right or wrong or need to check my answers all of them paragraghs about my questions you guys put i do read. not just looking for the answers i need to understand why its that too so thanks anyway but ill try on my own for now so nobody wont think im looking for a easy way out
But since you don't have a textbook, people did develop tools, but they were handmade at first. Things like shovels and rakes, etc., can be made at home. In villages sometimes someone would specialize in making wheels or barrels or other things necessary to farming and make a living that way, but things were made mostly by hand even if your neighbor made it for you. Modern factories as we know them didn't begin to appear, really, until the 18th century.
Feel free to ask any questions you have, please. Nobody is "putting you down." But I will always encourage you to think it out for yourself, as you say you want to do.