The 1st Sentence is me trying to do the work and the second is the actual paragraph. I am trying to put the verb form into preterite or imperfect can you see if i am right? Thanks

erase una vez una nina hermosa que se llamaia Capercuita roja
todos los animales del bosque ser sus amiogs y capercuita roja los querio mucho

erase una vez una nina hermosa que llamarse Capercuita roja
todos los animales del bosque ser sus amiogs y capercuita roja los querer mucho

2 answers

I'll send this to our Spanish expert, SraJMcGin.
Please use standard Spanish and that means capitalization where it is required and accent marks where they are required. If the accents should be there and they are missing, the word is ENTIRELY wrong.

Érase una vez una niña hermosa que se llamaba Capercita Roja. Todos los animales del bosque eran sus amigos y Capercita Roja los quería mucho.

The preceding paragraph has NO Preterit, because it is description, not action.
